Chasing the hurricane force "Bora" winds

Jul 8, 2004
SW Slovenia, Europe
Hey all,

I wanted to share some experiences with a sweet chasing yesterday. I was out with my friend chasing some extreme winds, we were chasing here in SW Slovenia as conditions came together for great risk for high wind speeds. These winds are quite usual here, the wind is called "Bora". Models were showing gusts up to 160-180km/h but as from past experiences I assumed this will be the day to play with some extreme gusts higher than forecasted. Also my personal record was waiting to be broken again. I set it back November 2004 when I measured 173km/h here pretty close to my home.

We were playing on one well known 'Bora place' called "Volovja reber". I parked my car about 500m near the small mountain range peak and we started to go closer. Winds were increasing from 80km/h up to 160km/h, when we tried to climb up on some small cliffs on the peak. Hey man, no way, impossible! I was lying down on the ground and put my hand up to measure, it was just too crazy if I tried to stand up. I tried few times, but was almost blown off in a second. So we were trying as gusts allowed us, the last measured gust was 94kt (174km/h, 108mph) and officially broke my personal record:D. Wind unfortunatelly destroyed both portable anemometers we had right after the great gusts, we were measuring those only for about a minute or two. It was just too much for anemometers to survive I guess. They simply exploded.:eek:

But we were not even on the most extreme spot, as we should have been measuring at least 2-3m higher. Maybe next time. Also when we were behind the cliff we could hear thunder-alike sounds as gusts were smashing so hard into the cliffs, which was even increasing later! So I can confidentally say that max gusts were probably close to around 220km/h (140mph) this time!

Here is the video of this event, I made a 8min+ movie of this event, I named it... Chasing the "hurricane Bora" as Bora wind gusts were reaching hurricane force gusts like CAT 3/4 hurricanes:)

You can see few shots of max gusts measured... 94kt (108mph, 174km/h), 160km/h and 172km/h in the video.

Enjoy the video,