Chasing The Dream

jeremy wilson

Didn't know exactly where to post this so mods feel free to move.

I've had alot on my heart lately that I feel I need to share with newbies and veterans alike in the storm chasing community. Around 14 years ago I began a lifelong hobby of storm chasing that at times have turned into a deep addiction. Along this path somewhere I lost sight of what chasing was all about. I picked up some nasty habits along the way that have cost me dearly in several areas of my life. I've had to fight to get my wife back over the past year due to these habits and the fact that I placed chasing over my family many times. I've lost one of the best friends I've ever had(also one of the best chasers I've known) to suicide two years ago. Drug and alcohol addiction played a major role in his death. I've also offended some amazing people in this circle of ours that instead I should have been learning from. I want to apologize publicly to one these guys that had to listen to my alcohol induced rants several times on ST. Sorry Skip....

This hobby can be very hard on the soul sometimes, frustration and overdoses of adrenaline over long periods of time can cause you to pick up new habits and lay down good judgment. Last June I was deceived and ripped off by my chase partner of 2 years because of a lack of good judgement. Someone I had mentored and welcomed fully into Holy Tornado stole the last 10 years of my chasing life. Videos, rights to the name Holy Tornado and a friendship I thought was for a lifetime were taken from me. So if you see Holy Tornado on a vehicle ever again, it's not the original(he doesn't frequent ST so don't try to figure out who it is).

I've laid down the addictions that have controlled my life and am looking forward to chasing this year with a clear head. To all of you just getting started, don't unless you love weather with all your heart. Don't if you think your gonna get rich at this. And if a Skip Talbot, David Drummond, Shane Adams or Jeff Snyder are talking, shut up and listen.

Here's to 2013!