Central Indiana Severe Weather Symposium Presentations Online

Jim Hunt

Jan 2, 2007
Kokomo, Indiana
The presentations from the NWS symposium a few weeks back are all online. Some very good ones and they do focus a little bit more on the types of storms we see more of in Indiana.

The "Storm Chasing, Lessons Learned for Spotters" by Prof. Paul Sirvatka, College of DuPage County is an excellent set.

Please take a look and enjoy...

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Thanks for sharing this link with us, Jim. There is some fascinating information in Sirvatka's presentation about the latest understandings in tornadogenesis, including the DRC "blob", and vortex arch. His emphasis on identifying the clear slot over the wall cloud also gives me new insights on chasing and where to watch while under a horseshoe base. The material in the other presentations, such as supercell stages and types, is also a great refresher as we start this chase season. I highly recommended people check these notes out. Is there anyway to get the audio from the presentations?