The only common chasing-specific consideration is finding a sufficiently wide lens. The 'kit' lenses that come with most DSLR cameras are not very wide, tend to be optically slow, and are of modest optical and mechanical quality. You can certainly take aesthetic shots with the kit glass, but most people soon find themselves wanting something nicer. (That said, please remember that making pretty pictures this is the most important aspect of your photography! Don't get sidetracked counting pixels and menu features, or comparing the specs of some fancy lens that Joe Blow uses.)
If I wanted to spend most of your 1K budget, I'd look for a used or factory refurbished body (check Adorama's selection, they provide a solid warranty on their refurb stuff) for $200~300, then spend ~$500 on a wide angle zoom - something like the Tokina 12~24mm or its equivalent.
Or, just get an outfit and stick to shooting the kit lens for a while, until you have a better idea of what you really need. (As opposed to what sounds cool, or what the Gear Dweebs suggest.) It sounds like you're a total newbie to photography. Best to start simple until you understand what you're doing. Only then should you consider spending $ on some new toy.
For lightning action, be sure to set aside at least $100 for a decent tripod. (There are several 'tripod' threads floating around the forum as well.) You'll also want one of those $20 'cable' or 'remote' shutter release gizmos. Make sure it has a locking feature, so you can machine-gun short twilight exposures without needing to press the button a million times.