Camera Troubleshooting

Jun 13, 2004
Olathe, KS
This thread is for all your current camera problems, troubleshooting and feedback/solutions for posting.

Any of you all can post questions, ideas, solutions for any camera, camera equipment in this thread so you, especially in this case, save yourself a repair bill and $$$$$

I need to post this for others as I am so happy !!!!

My Canon Rebel XT has been clicking when I try to get the inside flash to fire. It was working fine for so long. But it does 3 clicks and then does not pop up.

I put some keywords on the internet. From the listing, I decided to read remarks from forum ( I had previously entered this forum for some reason and registered) information on the matter (wrong canon camera but same problem).
I clicked on this url came up
As I read further down someone had a solution.
(1) While pressing the flash pop up button
(2) press upward on the top of the flash attachment

The gentle tug and wallaaa - the flash came up!!!!!!!! I was so happy!!!

Now I need to clean the inside of the flash area as that was probably why it was sticking. I saved some serious $$$$$
Post your own!!!
lol, the only thing I could think of to post in here was sensor cleaning. I will say this. If you do it yourself for the first time, with a wet swab, be prepared to scare the crap out of yourself. My sensor looked all smeared up on my first swab, smears all over. It took me, oh, 30 swab passes to settle on it being clear enough again. All this work, and the main spot in the upper left was still stuck on there. I was just thrilled to get my sensor back to looking like it did. Problem is there's no room in there, just enough for the sensor and swab to fit down in. It's something I initially regretted the crap out of doing myself. I then saw that it would take quite a bit to screw one up. I'm not thrilled to get in there and touch things again though, as it wasn't simple to get all the smearing off there.
You might have gotten into some of the lubricants in the camera and smeared them or if using prepared swabs you may have gotten some of those that are now not recommended for being far too saturated to be used safely.

I did buy the E2 which is an extremely pure methanol and pec pads for mine but there are a few cameras that the methanol can damage the filters and such so I would advise anyone new to this to read and re read the guide before getting any cleaning kits or tools and before attempting it yourself with items that sound good at first...

I was terrified to do mine at first but now not so much. :)