CALL FOR MODERATORS: Popular election

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Dec 4, 2003
We need a moderator to serve the term November 2009 - June 2010. I think a more parliamentary method of representation is warranted and this term will be by popular election. By spring 2010 I would like to see us with a team of 3 hand-picked "senator" moderators with noteworthy experience or education and 3 elected "representative" moderators to look after the concerns and interests of the general users. This will be phased in a bit at a time to make sure it's making things better instead of worse.

If you wish to be a moderator, please respond below NLT October 24. You must reply in this thread to be guaranteed consideration; replying by PM or e-mail may result in accidental exclusion. Voting will occur October 25-31. If the choices exceed the vote limitations of our software (10) then we'll do a runoff during that time frame.

We are going to phase in fixed terms and by next spring all moderators will have been appointed to a particular term. Since Stormtrack is highly delegated, where moderators make important decisions and I back them up, and they have a strong influence on our general operating policy, I think it's important to make sure that the team does not stagnate or evolve into a clique and that we're continuously bringing in fresh ideas and perspectives that make the site better. In a sense, this would truly be the "Stormtrack board" that some have asked for in other threads.

Please consider me for moderator. I have several years experience on Stormtrack as well as a job that permits me to follow the activity on the boards quite closely. Thanks
I'd strongly consider this role for the purpose of trying to help save StormTrack. I'm a charter member of this place, and I want to keep it around because the truth is, no other forum will ever compete with ST (we've tried more than once). ST is a great platform, but IMO there's a glaring problem.

The ST issue is largely the opposite of all the other forums' issues when they've tried to compete with ST. Other forums that try to compete with ST fail because they're all performer, no audience. A forum full of experienced chasers and no newbs, rooks, enthusiasts, or casual interests is a dead forum, because there's no reason to post. Experienced chasers already know the answers to the questions, and many know each others' opinions about many things. That's what chats, phones, and the real world are for: chasers chilling with chasers.

ST has the opposite problem. There's a huge audience, but instead of simply watching, many of them are trying to participate. Experienced chasers are happy to share knowledge, experiences, and chase reports. They're happy to answer questions (as has been long-established in the "Educational Forum"). What experienced chasers are not interested in is, chit-chatting with people who have no chase experience or any plans to ever chase at all. Much the same way most chasers in the field do not advertise to the general public what they're doing (because they have no desire to sit around having idle chat with someone who in five minutes won't care).

Having said all that, I'm very willing to step into a mod role to enforce these beliefs, to regain the integrity of the portion of this forum that actually matters: CHASING STORMS.

I have no interest in being a babysitter for threads and forums not related to chasing severe weather, because IMO these places are random, adult, and should be expected to be unpredictable.

I'm volunteering to help make StormTrack what it once was and what I believe it can be again: The #1 storm chasing forum on the planet. I am not volunteering for Dan Cook's job.
I, too, will throw in my name. My job allows me copious amounts of free time at the fire house. I deal with numerous types of personalities day in and day out, like our cornucopia of personalities at ST. I have been a member for almost 4 years now and I know the ins and outs of this site. Although I have gotten in my fair share of heated discussions in the past, I do not hold grudges against anyone and believe there is a time and place to vent. I don't hold biases, but will be strict when it comes to Target Area rules. I believe ST needs more avid/experienced chasers to moderate things. Thanks for the consideration!
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For your consideration I present my self as a candidate to become a member of the moderating team for Stormtrack. I feel that I would be a worth choice for the moderator position on the site for the following reasons:

  • I may not have as big of a post count as some of the members of this site but I have been a avid lurker since 2005 and have a history being a moderator on smaller forums.
  • I do not take words said to me on a online forum personal. No matter how spiteful or heated those words may be I usually can laugh them off or take it as an ill attempt to make a joke and deal with the offense appropriately according to the rules of the forum.
  • I feel that I would bring a fair and balanced moderation of the forums and do not have a "big hats only club" stance and I will try my best to play neutral between all points of views and believe each is entitled to their own opinions.
  • I also have a healthy respect for good rhetoric and do not take kindly to red herring, straw man, or ad hominem attacks.
  • My day to day job has long periods of down time that allow me to be on and would aid in letting me cast a watchful eye on the forums.
  • I tend to be on late at night and early in the morning till about noon and thus can catch things as they happen a lot faster than my peers who sleep during the night would.
  • I do posses a sense of humor and can easily pick up on sarcasm and dry whit that is sometimes hard to distinguish online.
  • I am proficient with phpbb and willing to lend a helpful hand where needed and answer any technical questions that users may have regarding on how to post.
  • I also do not have a ban first then ask questions later policy but will also not be skidish to take appropriate measures in drastic circumstances. It is the job a moderator to be the voice of reason and at times the referee but not the forums executioner or black shirts.
  • I will work hard to preserve the core purpose of this site and to make sure and try and keep a troll free zone here on ST.
  • I have chased for a little over 5 years and although not as experienced or high profile as some chasers I do feel that I am not a newbie when trying to find my target and in the way I execute my chase.
No problem campaigning here, though we'll give people a chance to do that in the actual election poll threads. Either way is fine.

Also based on the votes in the other thread on "election system" we're almost certainly going to go with a closed election, so this will NOT be a popularity contest, i.e. your standing in the polls will not be revealed to others. You can also drop out later if you decide the position isn't for you. Your standing in the polls will be revealed to you and you're free to compare notes.

I am also interested in serving as a moderator, but I will save a write up of my qualifications until the official election thread is created.
Tim, I did not know where else to post this as I did not want to start another thread and a pm just didn't seem right to me for this kind of reply given the amount of direct heat I have openly given you and this forum.

I want to stop and take the time to thank you personally. I have no doubt been one of the loudest voices screaming "change is needed" and at times throwing a fit.
The reason for such was the belief that this forum was going to hell and nothing was being done about it. And, that no one was actually taking the time to hear what "we" were saying.
You have certainly heard our voice (at least a few of us)... You have spoken with us have made changes and are contuing to make more changes hence this thread.
Thank you!

As much as I would like to offer my name for inclusion, I am not doing so.
The reasons are many but the fact of the matter is...some people should be mods and others shouldn't. With my strong view points and less than tolerable moods sometime, I don't think it would be a good idea.

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No problem Lanny -- we're still geared towards quality and if I'm not doing anything about it it's usually because of too many pans in the fire, which is what this summer has been like. If you want to participate in the elections you're more than welcome to and it's your right to do so; after all this particular election is an effort to find representatives who demonstrate the most user support.

Overall it looks like there's a lot of good names appearing in this list and I encourage anyone who's interested to try for the position. Again, this won't be a popularity contest and each candidate's standing/ranking in the election will not be released unless he/she shares the results themselves.

I don't think we will see a lot more names added. Why? There are probably many others, like me, who would happily volunteer to give back to ST. But- there are already several highly knowledgeable and qualified volunteers who have thrown their name in the hat. It's exciting to see the veterans who have stepped up to the plate to help out. Tim, I really like the idea of the rotating terms for mods. I think down the line, when terms expire, more people will step up to help out. Good idea, again, and a fine job you do with this place.
I, too, am really pleased to see the quality of the turnout here.

Tim, I'm assuming that you have a job description for the moderator position. It would be really helpful if you would post it here. Doing so will help the candidates and those considering candidacy to know exactly what the mod position entails, and also will help the voters to size up the candidates against the expectations of that position.
As much as I would like to offer my name for inclusion, I am not doing so.
The reasons are many but the fact of the matter is...some people should be mods and others shouldn't. With my strong view points and less than tolerable moods sometime, I don't think it would be a good idea.


In the way you've publicly handled some of the drama that has been served up to you, I don't think you give yourself enough credit.

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This is a last call for moderators. The list I have so far is:

Skip Talbot
Shane Adams
Danny Neal
Bart Comstock
Andrew Revering
Mark Blue
Tony Laubach

If you want to participate, please respond here before 6 pm today (Monday).

As far as moderator duties I have attached the basic responsibilities below. Since we intend to ultimately have 6 moderators the duty obligations will not be very demanding... mostly just keeping an eye out for trouble.


* Responsibilities. The prime objectives of a Stormtrack Moderator are: (1) to promote friendly interaction among all users; (2) to facilitate a high signal-to-noise ratio on the discussion boards; (3) to be supportive of new, promising members; and (4) to inject new ideas and discussion into the forums when message activity is slow. These responsibilities take first priority, in order.

* Presence and participation. Moderators are required to interact with the Stormtrack forum and the Moderator forum every few days. Moderators will be automatically replaced if absent from administrative discussions longer than one month without advance notice.

* Length of duties. A Moderator's term expires after six months. The staff may allow a new term based on stellar performance that reflects positively on Stormtrack, but rotation is a normal part of Stormtrack so that we can bring on new moderators with new skills and enthusiasm, and to keep the editorial oversight fresh. The Administrator or Owner may, at their discretion, terminate a person's Moderator privileges for administrative, editorial, or technical requirements.
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