Call for help from NWS PUB Re: Simla tornadoes

Aug 19, 2005
Atlanta, GA
The NWS in Pueblo and Boulder Colorado need assistance in documenting what happened on June 4, 2015, with the tornadic storm near Simla, CO. Overall, not much damage was done by this event, even though several tornadoes occurred. They really do not know how many tornadoes occurred on this day, with values ranging from 5 to "dozens" depending who you talk to and what you read. Any maps, *time* of events, locations, and video would be grateful. You can send directly to Stephen Hodanish at [email protected] at the NWS in Pueblo.
I have a full 6 hour stream from storm initiation to the moment the updraft disconnected, with virtually every moment of tornado footage possible, sans a few minutes of "rain-wrap". I'm putting the footage together now, hoping to be done in a few days, but if he needs something sooner I can make that happen.