Brady Kendrick in the Hospital

Apr 16, 2010
Toledo, OH
I am sure most of you know Brady Kendrick, a storm chaser in the Texas Panhandle, his brother posted on his facebook a few minutes ago heres what it said... "This is Landry, Brady's brother. On Thursday Brady went to the hospital with complications from his Chron's disease. After some investigation by Doctor's, it was discovered that his small intestine was fully blocked. Brady had a fairly significant operation in which some of his small intestine was removed. The surgery went well and Brady is currently recovering at BSA." Please pray for a speedy recovery for Brady!
Wishing you a speedy recovery indeed. Gotta be ready in time for the plains chase season.
Hope and pray you feel much better soon. OUCH. Sounds ... painful.
Steve Miller, Wesley Luginbyhl, and I all went to see Brady yesterday afternoon. He said he's sore and weak, but ok. He's up and walking around. He'll probably be out just after Thanksgiving to start his full recovery at home. Brady is a good, smart kid and was my chase partner a lot this year. I'm hoping we can team up and rule the panhandle once again next season!
I just noticed this thread everyone....I would like to say thanks for all the support....I have fully recovered from the surgery now and will just have to have one more follow up operation in march but lets just say Ill be ready to go by chase season.