James Hilger
Seems like a scam to get money to me but it involves weather so I'm all for it, unless it means Vortex and the herd that follows. http://www.thecitywire.com/node/32109#.Ux-0daN5uO0
There is zero -- and I mean zero -- reliable evidence that one hour or longer lead times would save lives.
Permits: (1) the purchase of weather data through contracts with commercial providers, and (2) the placement of weather satellite instruments on co-hosted government or private payloads.
(G) additional sources of weather data and information, including commercial observing systems.
Out of funds made available for operations, research, and
facilities in OAR, there are authorized to be appropriated for each of
fiscal years 2014 through 2017--
(1) $100,000,000 to carry out section 3, of which--
(A) $80,000,000 is authorized for weather
laboratories and cooperative institutes; and
(B) $20,000,000 is authorized for weather and air
chemistry research programs; and
(2) $20,000,000 for the joint technology transfer
initiative described in section 3(b)(3).
This has good bipartisan support and per AMS is likely to be approved.
Plus the social science aspect could be HUGE.