Dustin Wilcox
Just got done with an interview in which they attempted to spin things on chasers. Caught me a little off guard, but I think I handled it pretty well, still worry a tad as all it takes is for them to pull a couple words from a phrase and spin it on ya, I should have just caught on a tad quicker and said bye, instead I tried to put a positive spin on it, but who knows how successful that was. Though the way it sounded, I wasn't the first one this guy had talked to, and sounds as though he has enough (-) quotes to fill a page. Questions like, how close were you? Do you tape and drive at the same time? Why do you do it? Do you sell footage? How much is footage worth? Was there more than hundred chasers? Really all they have to do is read this forum (Hey AL ) and they can find enough negative material to fill a magazine. Really I thought yesterday was smooth, sure there were a few chasers dangerously close (myself included) but it was a rare instance where that could be done safely given road options and tornado motion.