Dan Robinson
During the last year, I've been increasingly bombarded with emails from Multi-Channel Networks (MCNs) on Youtube wanting me to join. After a cursory investigation on these, I can say this: stay far, far away! Most take a cut of your ad revenue in exchange for virtually nothing, except the mere *chance* at boosting your traffic/ad sales (which they are under no obligation to guarantee). All will take over your Youtube channel and some actually take over your Adsense account as well, and can hold both "hostage". Horror stories and predatory contracts abound in the realm of MCNs (IE, lifetime terms and signing over copyrights). If your channel is doing well, they don't offer you very much, at least from what I've been able to uncover.
There may be a few non-shady MCNs out there, but from everything I have read, the risk of essentially siphoning your ad revenue away for nothing with these is pretty high.
Signer beware.
There may be a few non-shady MCNs out there, but from everything I have read, the risk of essentially siphoning your ad revenue away for nothing with these is pretty high.
Signer beware.