Best of Saxony 2006/2007

Jan 15, 2008
In 2005 I began to document thunder storms. I'm sorry but the links are in german language, because of my bad english :). In 2005 we also had the strangest thunder storm ever.
A LP-supercell wich included one tornado (F1) and at night there followed 6 more tornadas. They arised on a squallline. Around 50 km.

here are the links to this thunder storm:

Now to the best of of 2006

In 2007 we had again two strange supercells. There have been hail about 50 cm's.
Here are the links to the both supercells:

And last but not least my best of of 2007

wow, those are some prety crazy pictures man...

what kind of radar are yall using on there???

it looks like a funny kind of pink VIL or something...ive never seen it before...

either way, i really enjoyed the pics in your links...even if i couldent read em...

I am in utter awe of the lightning, hail and cloud photos that you shared. Thank you for making my evening.
What type of camera did you use for the lightning shots?
Also, noting the lightning and rainbow picture, was this taken during the daytime or in the evening.
These are absolutely stunning, and show me that indeed the USA does not have a monopoly on spectacular storms!
thx. I've used the radar from Skywarn Germany (IRAS). This is the best radar for me. The weather services don't have this radars. Only the members of skywarn can use it.
here my link to a few radar pictures:
Can you tell me please, what is the meaning of pink Vil :)
In the future I will try to post my reports also in your forum that you can read it :).

Thank you.
From 2005 to november 2007 I've used the camera Canon Powershoot A510 and now I use the Canon EOS 400D.
Also, noting the lightning and rainbow picture, was this taken during the daytime or in the evening.
The picture is taken by a chaser friend near my hometown. His internet site is:
His name is Michel Oelschlägel

The thunder storm was bounded to a multicell. After this multicell arised another thunder storm on a new multicell. On this multicell arised a strange hp-supercell. >23.08.07, this report you can find on the links above.
These are absolutely stunning, and show me that indeed the USA does not have a monopoly on spectacular storms!
In the middle of Europe there are also such strange thunder storms (Germany, France etc.). Saxony is well known cause of it's topography and there arise many supercells.

Some reports and analyses are from Michel Oelschlägel. You can see this under his profile name.

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Can you tell me please, what is the meaning of pink Vil :)

it is the VIL product (vertically integrated liquid) except with a pink color palate...i just aint never saw one like that before, i was wonderng if that was what this is...

My radar picture from Skywarn (IRAS) showed an intensity of 60 to 67 and more. This supercell is the end of the multicell-cluster in the south of chemnitz. There were the supercell was, is the "Erzgebirge", where I live. It is what it looks like :)
This supercell has had a very strange rotation and a hook-echo which I normally only know from USA.

it is the VIL product (vertically integrated liquid) except with a pink color palate...i just aint never saw one like that before, i was wonderng if that was what this is...


This is not a VIL product but just a base or composite reflectivity taken from internet site
As far as I know, meteo agencies do not really offer such products as VIL,VIL density, etc with public here in Europe.
They do use a strange colour palete for the reflectivity, pink values are supposed to be above 60dBz.