Bob Hartig
At the COD severe weather symposium, Roger Edwards commented about bad sounding data. It sounds like one Rawinsonde station in particular gives consistently bad data, but Roger never specified its location and I never asked him. Does anyone here know?
And, what are some common kinds of bad sounding data? I'm using skew-T's more and more, but I've still got a few things to learn about interpreting them, and I'm not at a point yet where I can look at one and think, "Hmm...faulty read." So any tips will be appreciated, particularly visual examples.
And, what are some common kinds of bad sounding data? I'm using skew-T's more and more, but I've still got a few things to learn about interpreting them, and I'm not at a point yet where I can look at one and think, "Hmm...faulty read." So any tips will be appreciated, particularly visual examples.