AWIPS Data - Premium Lightning Included!

Jul 18, 2015
New York, NY
FWX Company is offering affordable AWIPS II Data. If you are a meteorologist, emergency management, or just a simple weather hobbyist - this data will come in handy for you! Our cluster of servers are able to guarantee fast and high quality weather data! Now for $15 per month (with promo code: AmericanWX)

Commericial questions can be sent to [email protected]

Data Provided

  • Model Data
    • Conduit – High resolution NCEP model data (GFS, GEFS, RUC2, and NAM)
    • NGRID – High resolution NOAAport model outputs
    • NOGAPS and COAMP model output from FNMOC
    • Global Wave Watch Models
    • WMO essential ECMWF data
    • CMC/GEM data is now avaliable!
  • Radar Data
    • NEXRAD 2
    • NEXRAD 3
    • MRMS Composite Radar Imagery (During Severe WX)
  • Satellite Data
    • NOAA/GINI satellite imagery.
    • Hi-Res Satellite imagery and derived products from the Unidata/Wisconsin Broadcast
  • Miscellaneous
    • Domestic and international text products. (watches, warnings, advisories, and forecasts)
    • Gridded NLDN lightning data
    • NOAA Flight Data/Wind Profiler Data
Click here to purchase

Use promo code "StormTrack" for $5 off.
With AWIPS2 CAVE from Unidata.

PS The RUC2 model ended a few years ago - that's probably the RAP.