August Tornado Days for 15 states: 1970-2009

Dec 4, 2003
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Here is some trivia I came up with for 15 states.

101 Tornado Days: Colorado
052 Tornado Days: Illinois
037 Tornado Days: Indiana
067 Tornado Days: Iowa
058 Tornado Days: Kansas
065 Tornado Days: Michigan
054 Tornado Days: Minnesota
018 Tornado Days: Missouri
068 Tornado Days: Nebraska
082 Tornado Days: North Dakota
047 Tornado Days: Ohio
032 Tornado Days: Oklahoma
060 Tornado Days: South Dakota
150 Tornado Days: Texas
051 Tornado Days: Wisconsin

I moved with weather data site to a new URL called Geukes Weather

Very cool! I love stats. Wonder how many of those tornado days in TX were supercellular tornado days? August is still mostly a northern plains month.
I just need one tornado day in the Mid-Atlantic as I'm trying to catch that very elusive east coast/Mid-Atlantic tornado. Been really close this season a number of times, including this past Sunday. I've also not ruled out heading in the "true" mid-west (I don't consider Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma the mid-west) like Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, but that won't count for my east coast objective.

Thanks for the throwing up the stats, always cool to be a numbers/stats geek.
Come on surprise Ohio tornado! :D

Thanks for putting this up man. Gives me some hope to get something before school starts(in August :|)
150 tornado days in August for TX surprised me. Severe weather of any kind has been almost non existent lately in TX. I guess I just assumed the trend would continue, but that stat would indicate it can change.

Well, I just looked at the stats for last year and there were two tornado days in August. Both of those were single tornado reports, looked like right on the coast, so I'm guessing water spout type, maybe that is why the figure seems so high. Just two reports like that down on the coast per year over a 40 year period would add up to 80.
150 tornado days in August for TX surprised me. Severe weather of any kind has been almost non existent lately in TX. I guess I just assumed the trend would continue, but that stat would indicate it can change.

Well, I just looked at the stats for last year and there were two tornado days in August. Both of those were single tornado reports, looked like right on the coast, so I'm guessing water spout type, maybe that is why the figure seems so high. Just two reports like that down on the coast per year over a 40 year period would add up to 80.

Now that I think about it I bet hurricanes have played a big roll in that number too.
You da Stat Whiz, Mike! Thanks for providing. I know that August has cranked out a tornado day or two in Michigan. In fact, my first fruitful chase was on an August day in Michigan. When I think of that day now, I realize how good I had it with two isolated, classic supercells drifting nearly straight east down M-21. I'd love to have that kind of a gift handed to me again now that I have a better idea what to do with it. Maybe this year.
That's good stuff! So in Oklahoma 2.6% of all August days in the last 40 years have been tornado days...that's actually more than I would've thought. This also means the other 97.4% of August days during that time period would be classified as "Sit on the couch in the air conditioning and do nothing because it's too hot" days.:cool:
Colorado's high total may be landspout related too. A relatively stationary Denver Convergence and Vorticity Zone is more common in late summer when the upper level winds are more stagnant.
You da Stat Whiz, Mike! Thanks for providing. I know that August has cranked out a tornado day or two in Michigan. In fact, my first fruitful chase was on an August day in Michigan. When I think of that day now, I realize how good I had it with two isolated, classic supercells drifting nearly straight east down M-21. I'd love to have that kind of a gift handed to me again now that I have a better idea what to do with it. Maybe this year.

That wasn't about 18 years ago was it Bob? I lived just north of M-21 in St. Johns and we had tornadoes go through right in the area around that time. I remember having to go to my grandparents in town in order to get water-and could hardly get to town because of all the downed trees. I would have liked to be chasing at the time- but it would have been on a bike since I was 7 years old.