Archived Weather Maps: Looking for Good Source

Jul 2, 2004
Hastings, Michigan
Those of you have put together chase cases or done case studies, where are you getting your maps? I've got a study I want to do that involves a few different tornado days, but the SPC's daily maps archive only provides 7 a.m. maps. I'd like to get a more thorough range across the day. RUC and/or NAM would be nice. I'm particularly interested in surface maps with station obs, but upper atmosphere charts would also be welcome.
Bob, check out this thread:

I archive all the HPC bulletins and SPC reports myself and convert them into KML files. I then plot these with GPS tracks, and GRIBs from one of the links in that thread in IDV. You can also import satellite images and a bunch of other things in IDV, and even export to KML if you'd rather use Google Earth or Maps to look at things, since IDV is kind of difficult to work in.