April 14th through 16th outbreak historically

Nov 23, 2005
Colorado Springs

"Most twisters from a single storm ever recorded"

Wikipedia shows 111 CONFIRMED tornadoes. I know the NWS is and will continue conducting surveys, but does anyone have a concrete link from the NWS as to the confirmed number of tornadoes from this event? There's all kinds of whacko conspiracy idiots out there using that news article above to "prove" this last outbreak was the biggest in history and it's somehow unprecedented, and it's a result of weather modification. :rolleyes:
Who says it isn't because of weather modification?

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know. I've read up on HAARP and chemtrails and the like and I don't buy it, but that's just me.

I'm simply trying to gather the factual documented number of tornadoes from this event to try and put it into context, historically.


Does the SPC put out public reports after large outbreaks with their documented number of tornadoes?
I just did a quick count of the number of tornadoes confirmed from various WFOs and came up with 113. However, many of the offices say their investigation is still underway and that more tornadoes may be added. Some offices said they have confirmed "at least" X number of tornadoes. So that count likely will increase somewhat.
Thanks Jeff, that was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for doing that.

Why is it that every year when severe weather season hits, everyone freaks out like it's not normal??? Ughhhhhhhh, it's almost painful to watch people listen to fear mongers who have no clue about severe weather in the US.
First of all, that's false (... so far). The Super Outbreak in 1974 had 148 tornadoes from a single event, all in the same 24-hour period, so the number of tornadoes last week isn't the most from a single storm.

Second of all, we probably won't know the final total for a while. Seems like it usually takes a few months for the NWS to get the final statistics compiled. In the end, it may be more tornadoes than the Super Outbreak, but as for now, it's not.