Any other chasers with online video pirating problems?

Jan 14, 2011
St. Louis
I'm in the initial stages of putting together a letter to send to lawmakers about the problems experienced by small-time video creators from online copyright infringement. I would like to hear from other chasers, cameramen, and independent journalists/photographers who have experienced these issues and would like to collaborate on a possible "strength in numbers" approach.

I posted a blog that outlines the current problems if you're an independent photographer:

If you have a video on Youtube that has received more than 200,000 views, that video has likely been copied many times over to other channels and to other video platforms, some of which are monetized. The more views your videos have, the more likely it's been copied elsewhere and being profited on by thieves - to the detriment of your original copy.
Maybe I'm just a dummy, but 1) how do you download videos straight off of YouTube? I think at one point I remember seeing a link to do so, but when I tried just now I was unable to figure it out. 2) If YouTube has any control over whether videos are downloaded, then why do they allow it?
All of my videos are watermarked, but this doesn't stop the thieves. They don't care if a watermark is on a video as long as they are raking in monetized views with it. And of course, many crop the watermarks out. If you go crazy with watermarks to the point the video is unusable to a thief, it will also be unusable to you (viewers hate heavily watermarked things and are less likely to watch).
I have some that are ripped off and submit a copyright claim everytime I can. If you get too many viral videos keeping up with it would be a full time job.

Not sure why Youtube doesn't give more that copyright tool where they get notified and money for those that upload their videos by content aware.
I've had one video yanked from me in the last year. They cropped out my watermark and I took care of it through Youtube to have it removed. Account wasn't removed, which was disappointing, and I am sure whomever it was ended up making a few dollars on it.