Alltel teathering phone with ext. antennia option?

Feb 16, 2009
Portland, Oregon
Ok, so here is the deal. I live in Oregon and Alltel is not available to me. however, my family lives in New Orleans, so I could get the service via their address. My thought is if I get a phone that teathers, then I will have voice service besides the internet. That would be a good thing.
I also think I will be getting an amplifer. Is there a teathering phone that allows for an external antennia?
Alot of my customers use the R500 - Alltel Hue for this , port is under battery cover . The new R600 Hue 2 does not have a usable port.

Ok, so here is the deal. I live in Oregon and Alltel is not available to me. however, my family lives in New Orleans, so I could get the service via their address. My thought is if I get a phone that teathers, then I will have voice service besides the internet. That would be a good thing.
I also think I will be getting an amplifer. Is there a teathering phone that allows for an external antennia?