Advice on wireless Internet service

Dec 4, 2003
Hey guys -- I need a wireless internet card that doesn't require a contract term, that is compatible with a router, and that is fairly generous with data transfer volumes and has no hidden "catches" as far as the billing or service goes.

These things do exist of course, as I researched them for my book, but I want to find out the latest news about it and especially what the fastest way to acquire this is in the Norman area. Do I just walk into a Verizon store? I'll walk out with a fully working card?

I'm probably going to buy the router off Newegg, once I figure out a good model that works with the cards, unless such a router is priced reasonably at Best Buy.

This whole mess with AT&T DSL is why Stormtrack has not yet been upgraded. It's been 2 weeks after the tornado and they have not yet repaired the fiber out here. I've about had it trying to just get basic stuff done over this POS Internet connection.


If you want to save a few bucks just grab a card on Ebay for about $20-30 and call Verizon to activate it. They will charge you a ~$30 activation fee on your next bill but you shouldn't have to worry about any contract commitments. If they tell you otherwise, simply hang up and try again, some customer service reps will try and tell you that you must sign a contract.

Just make sure the card you buy has a clear ESN and you will be just fine. If you are in a hurry the Verizon store will definitely sell and activate one for you but the price will be outrageous without a contract.

I have bought from these guys twice now (broke the first one) and I usually get the card within 3-4 days and they guarantee a clear ESN. Just thought I would throw it out there.
I haven't used them (I'm still riding my old Alltel unlimited plan), but Millenicom has an unlimited (i.e., no 5GB cap) Bring-Your-Own-Device plan that runs on the Sprint network:

"Devices usable with this plan:
Any 3G data device (mobile broadband device, MiFi router, etc. but not a cell phone) that works over the Sprint mobile broadband network is usable with the Millenicom BYOD account.
Call 1-800-996-1285 before signing up for any other device types."

If you'd rather buy a device from them, they have the same plan with a sold device:

If anyone has any millenicom experience, feel free to speak up -- I'm curious too! If my Alltel plan ever goes away, they look to be the first people I'd turn to.
Just want to reiterate I am looking for a local solution so I can get set up quickly.

eBay can take well over a week (especially with Memorial Day weekend coming up) and the Millenicom card specifically says to allow 5 days for shipping. Thanks but these options really aren't going to work.

Again, the Verizon store will gladly take care of you and it will take probably no more than 30 minutes to get setup and activated. This is the fastest way you are going to get wireless internet. I would expect the card to run somewhere in the range of $100-$150. If for any reason the Verizon store will not sell you a card outright you can purchase one at any area Best Buy for around the same cost.
OK, sorry, Brandon, I misread your post. Yes, Verizon might be an option but yeah if their cards are overpriced that might be an issue. I thought about buying a cell modem on NewEgg for overnight shipping, but they don't list any at all, and their small selection of cellular routers has bad reviews.

No problem, they are horribly overpriced when buying them outright which is why I always try to guide people somewhere else.

Just a thought but you might browse craigslist and see if you can find someone local selling a card.
Brandon -- I went ahead and bought the modem you recommended. At $28 I'll have cheap insurance for next week if I don't get something set up this week. Geez, $150 for Verizon's modem? Sounds like they'll be wanting to sell me a Monster cable to go with it.

Well I hope you get it before the weekend, I have had great luck with that company and got my last card in like 3 days. I'd be willing to bet there is a nice ST member around Norman with an unlimited plan who would be willing to help out in the mean time (assuming no chase commitments of course) :D
I just wanted to thank Brandon for the suggestions... I received my USB727 data card from that eBay seller several days later.

I did hit a snag with Verizon as I wasn't sure how to activate it and I got bounced from representative to representative over the course of 30 minutes. The card was still carrying a telephone number with an Ohio area code and the reps weren't sure what I was trying to do... they asked me "where did you get this card" and rather than say "gee, I got it off eBay" I downplayed it by saying my father wasn't using it anymore and sent it to me. Finally a helpful lady said I needed to get online and download the Verizon Access Manager. This program did work (and had all the drivers needed for the card) and it changed my card's phone number and got me online with no problem.

So the point is don't bother calling Verizon to activate it... all you need is that online access manager: Also their "month-to-month" should not be confused with pre-paid... it took me awhile to figure out their terminology and that using it month to month does not mean pre-paid, it means a contract.

Why didn't I do this years ago? It's so cheap and easy.

And as for you, AT&T, it's been almost a month since the tornado and you all haven't finished fixing our fiber optic out here... (shakes fist)

I just did this the other day Tim. I went to Verizon to ask about activating the card I got off ebay and the dude working had no clue. In fact he asked if I was making up a Verizon prepaid broadband plan, thinking I was giving him a line. After a few searches I found that you can do it the way you did. Luckily the card I purchased had the software on it (and a clean ESN, whew) and it wasn't to complicated. I also was given a phone number since I guess there wasn't one attached with the card already.

I didn't get charged the activation fee at all yet which I thought was odd. It just had my payment as the 300mb I purchased at 30 dollars. I wonder if they will bill me an activation fee later and send me a bill. I prepaid, so wouldn't it just add the fee right away when I make the purchase? It would make things easier. Also, another thing I was nervous about was if they were going to charge me for "getting online" on their website to sign up (I have never had a Verizon account before). I saw on a disclaimer in the start up that it could charge up to $20.48 per mb or something along those lines, if you didn't have a proper set up.

I just wanted to thank Brandon for the suggestions... I received my USB727 data card from that eBay seller several days later.

I did hit a snag with Verizon as I wasn't sure how to activate it and I got bounced from representative to representative over the course of 30 minutes. The card was still carrying a telephone number with an Ohio area code and the reps weren't sure what I was trying to do... they asked me "where did you get this card" and rather than say "gee, I got it off eBay" I downplayed it by saying my father wasn't using it anymore and sent it to me. Finally a helpful lady said I needed to get online and download the Verizon Access Manager. This program did work (and had all the drivers needed for the card) and it changed my card's phone number and got me online with no problem.

So the point is don't bother calling Verizon to activate it... all you need is that online access manager: Also their "month-to-month" should not be confused with pre-paid... it took me awhile to figure out their terminology and that using it month to month does not mean pre-paid, it means a contract.

Why didn't I do this years ago? It's so cheap and easy.

And as for you, AT&T, it's been almost a month since the tornado and you all haven't finished fixing our fiber optic out here... (shakes fist)



Glad you got it worked out. I should have warned you about the activation process once you open the account. Even cards with clear ESN's still carry the old phone #. I had the same issue but luckily the first rep i spoke with at Verizon informed me to just activate through the VZAM. But yes, some of their reps are just clueless, I had to call twice to get a month to month (and not prepaid) because the first guy insisted I sign a contract to activate. Well at least it all got solved in the end!
I would like to share some of my recent experience. Hopefully it will be beneficial to someone. I just moved and my new job doesn't give me the chance to chase right now, so I wanted to turn off my month-to-month Verizon plan so I'm not paying $60/mo for nothing. I called customer service and the woman I spoke to (which was surprisingly helpful) told me that I could suspend my account for a month using the "lost device" suspension. This doesn't have any fees (suspension or activation) and you can suspend you account for "up to a month". The catch for this is that it's only a one time deal. Once you do it, you can't do it again.

Another thing she told me is that they have a vacation suspension plan that allows you to put your account on hold for "up to 3 months" for a $15 suspension fee and no activation fee. So if you don't plan on using your wireless broadband for three months, pay $15 instead of deactivating it and having to pay a $30 activation fee.
Both of these options allows you to activate the device anytime you want so you don't have to wait for the entire suspension time.
This info was new to me so I thought maybe it would be of some help to everyone one here.
David Goines