4K Camcorders

At the highest quality setting (XAVC S 4K 100Mbps 30p setting) a 128 gig SD card will shoot 2hrs and 41 minutes according to the reviews ... looks like I will need two of them.
Just make sure you have a "near super-computer" with access to huge hard disk(s) to store all the raw video files. Just viewing 4K is extremely demanding of CPU and GPU, never mind editing. The new h.265 codec that we're heading to reduces file size but increases GPU/CPU requirements to encode/decode and this is especially true for 4K.

I shot some 4k footage with my newer Samsung NX1 mirrorless and I have mixed emotions about it. My 1 year old Mac can barely deal with the 4K and I would have to invest in some serious USB3 or thunderbolt external drives. But it captures native h.265 (HEVC) which is just barely being accepted by major video players and editors today but by the end of 2015 will be pretty much the go-to codec for both 1080 and 4k. If you're buying a 4k camera, it would be nice if it would do either h.265 or h.264 encoding so you could move when the time was right.

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