John Farley
I caught a couple lightning bolts this afternoon that occurred in a winter thunderstorm in which the main precipitation types were graupel (snow pellets) and snow. Not too often you can catch the bolt even when you do get such storms, but I was positioned just outside the heavy precipitation area and was lucky enough to catch these. Temperature was in the mid-to-upper 30s. Here are pics of the bolts:

I got these on the northern fringes of Santa Fe near route 599 around or a little after noon. Then another storm moved right over the central part of the city around 1 p.m. with more graupel and snow accompanied by thunder and lightning. I got video of that second storm, too. Both storms were in narow, fast-moving lines so not much accumulation, although there was just enough to make the roads slippery for a little while. Video coming when I get time to do the necessary editing, but that won't be for a while. Will post again when it is available.

I got these on the northern fringes of Santa Fe near route 599 around or a little after noon. Then another storm moved right over the central part of the city around 1 p.m. with more graupel and snow accompanied by thunder and lightning. I got video of that second storm, too. Both storms were in narow, fast-moving lines so not much accumulation, although there was just enough to make the roads slippery for a little while. Video coming when I get time to do the necessary editing, but that won't be for a while. Will post again when it is available.