2013-06-15 REPORTS: CO

May 25, 2012
Albuquerque, NM
Nothing wrong with a Saturday drive into eastern Colorado to see some upslope storms. Arrived in Limon just as the first cells were building off the Palmer Divide. Bases seemed pretty high, and the dewpoint dropped just under 50F as the storm moved closer, so the tornado prospect was low. Still, the storm tried to hang on to a weak meso for about an hour before it gave up and gusted out. Tried to get to a more southern cell after that, but stuff turned into a mess right before sunset. Still, chasing in eastern CO is such a beautiful treat with incredible timelapse opportunities. Also, I'm happy to report that even with Sprint service having just abandoned the area, my roaming in the middle of nowhere south of Limon was always able to supply reasonable radar updates. The only totally dead zone was south of La Junta along 350.

Looks like this'll possibly be my last 2013 chase. It has been both incredible and heartbreaking. Good luck to the northern plains and Canada chasers!

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I also chased that day, it was nice running into Simon Brewer and Justin Drake as well as Roger Hill--all the die hard chasers were out on the CO Plains! ;) Storms weren't the most awesome, but i did get hit with ping-pong hail, and the sunset was sweet. Details on my most recent blog post "Ol Fashioned Chasing":