2011 Tornadoes in Review

Neat map, but I notice that the 5/24/11 tornadoes (e.g. EF5 W and NW of Oklahoma City, EF4 NE of Chickasha, etc.) don't appear on the map, or at least not in their rated intensities. What data did you use to create the animation?
Hi Jeff:

I will have to go and look at the database to see what may have went wrong. I am using NWS LSRs to make the animation. It appears (just from memory) that a few other reports may be wrong as well. The most likely explanation is that they were either input into the system wrong (or preliminarily) and have not been changed yet.
Neat map, but I notice that the 5/24/11 tornadoes (e.g. EF5 W and NW of Oklahoma City, EF4 NE of Chickasha, etc.) don't appear on the map, or at least not in their rated intensities. What data did you use to create the animation?

I'll echo that comment. It seems many notable dates are not correctly represented, including some EF2s and EF3s in Nebraska from June 20th. You'll want to check your data, as you already mentioned.
Yep, it appears as if the generated LSRs were generated prematurely and not updated in the IA State archive. I may shoot an e-mail to the admin to see if there are any plans to update the database...
I would consider using NCDC's storm events database archive instead.
I would consider using NCDC's storm events database archive instead.

IEM is the only database that has reports in shapefile format. You can get CSV files from the daily SPC logs, but putting them all together for everyday would be very time consuming. NCDC storm events database is always delayed by two months...
It's actually *not* more accurate...I'm not going to argue about the deficiencies of storm reporting here, but I've seen plenty of "storm data" hiccups in recent years.