2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season - Igor and Tomas retired

Dec 9, 2003
NOAA said:
Two tropical cyclone names in the Atlantic were retired from the official name rotation by
the World Meteorological Organization’s hurricane committee because of the deaths and
damage they caused in 2010. The committee issues the list of potential names for tropical
cyclones to be used every six years for both the Atlantic and eastern North Pacific basins.

The names Igor and Tomas in the Atlantic would have appeared again in 2016 but will
no longer be used. In their places will be Ian and Tobias.

--> Two Tropical Cyclone Names Retired from List of Atlantic Storms

For refreshers --> 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season Archive

I don't really recall Tomas being that bad (historically), but I must not be remembering it correctly.
I'm a bit shocked that Igor is retired. I know it caused some disruptions in Newfoundland, but it seems a bit absurd to me, honestly.

Also, I find it odd that two Mexican hurricanes weren't retired:

* Although Alex made landfall in a sparsely-populated region, it caused devastating floods in a major city-- Monterrey.

* The SE eyewall of Karl-- a major hurricane-- pounded another major population center, Veracruz, causing extensive damage and major disruptions.

The impact of both cyclones in Mexico was way beyond what Igor caused in Newfoundland-- and it just goes to show that the name-retirement process is highly subjective and not based on any objective criteria.
Good day all,

It seems retirement of names now is much more laxed.

I remember hurricane Irene in 1999, killed 13 people in FL alone, and the name is STILL on the list.