2/24/11 DISC: TN/AR

Aug 15, 2008
Colorado Springs, CO
I was downtown Nashville at the Shelby Street Bridge attempting to take my new lightning trigger for a test run, when the storms rolled in on myself and Adam Reagan (and 2 other friends that wanted to go along). Torrential rain arrived long before the lightning making photography of the lightning impossible.

Storms went tornado warned (presumably doppler indicated as I never saw any funnels), and were accompanied by torrential rains, high winds, but very little lightning accompanied this storm.

on the drive back to Murfreesboro, came upon bumper to bumper traffic on I-24 @ Bell Rd, where trees were downed on the highway, and debris was all over the place, pulled over and took a few pics, and then caroused into Antioch, TN to see if there was any additional damage as I was getting facebook reports (on my phone) of a speculative tornado that had been spotted in immediate vicinty that went through Antioch and Smyrna (police did not confirm tornado, only stated 70+ mph straight line winds).

found additonal damage in Antioch, trees down, signs ripped off uprights, trees snapped in half and up rooted. No known confirmed touchdowns at this time.

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edit: Just a little amusing post note, while driving down I-24, we were listening to the storm reports coming in over FM radio on a local station and to our amusement, one caller (a lady in her late 30's or early 40's), called in to say she saw the lightning "touch down"....everyone in the car exploded with laughter, that's a new one for me...god I love the general public, they provide me a great deal of entertainment with some of the things they say. ;)

That storm in Antioch dropped a tornado roughly 3-4 miles northeast of where you photoed damage, and it lifted around Stewert's Ferry & S. Mt Juliet Rd. Then, a few minutes later, a second tornado formed near Gladeville rd & and went into southern Lebanon. Both were rated EF-2. http://www.srh.noaa.gov/ohx/?n=stormsurvey02242011 shows exact paths, for anyone who's curious.
I'm still not so sure a tornado wasn't at least present over there off I-24 and Bell Rd, that damage was pretty scattered in a back and forth pattern, and the public reported a tornado. straight line winds usually don't zig zag like the damage I saw, but what do I know?