1/5 - 1/6 IL/MO/KY/IN Historical Winter Event

Shawn Gossman

Feb 9, 2007
Metropolis, Illinois
Any of you following the upcoming winter doom that is supposed to hit around here?

Here in southern Illinois, we may see 10-14 inches of snow but aside from that a minus and single digit highs and lows, we are going to get windchill factors of -20 to -30 below ZERO

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I live in Crawford county on the Missouri side, and so I've been keeping a close eye on this one too. They're thinking 11" here if we manage to get some convective elements embedded this morning. Regardless of those pretty impressive snow totals for this region though, even a few inches of snow with the wind and the cold is going to make this really dangerous for anybody stuck on the road. I think it was yesterday St. Louis had written something about the extreme dangers of getting caught on the road during and for a couple days after this storm. The blowing snow even after the precip ends is just going to really cause a ton of problems with road crews trying to clear highways and rescue any of the people who didn't listen.
Pretty broad area being affected by this storm system. Highways From Kansas to Ohio are going to be severely impacted. Showing added drive times of 4-5 hours.
5.5" here at 10:20, looks like a lot of other reports are around the same figure. I don't think they like posting my reports though as this is probably the 3rd one they didn't publish. :rolleyes: Maybe something to do with other people in my town reporting wildly inaccurate figures more than occasionally?
Southern Michigan here. Already at least 7" has fallen here (could be more, wind is making measurement difficult). With another six inches possible before this winds down, this will definitely be one of the bigger snow storms we've had here in several years (Groundhog day storm of 2011 likely the last big one). Even when the snow ends, stiff winds for the next day or two will keep the roads a mess with the blowing and drifting.
The Southern Illinois University basketball team stuck on a charter bus, stranded somewhere on I-57 I believe. Bus driver couldn't see, so pulled off on the side of the road, the interstate got closed in the interim, and then the bus couldn't pull out.