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  1. Gavin Nichols

    Small Florida community survives Ian "Unscathed by design"

    Interesting.... This 100% solar community endured Hurricane Ian with no loss of power and minimal damage
  2. Steve Miller

    Stormtrack Contest - $100 Amazon Gift Card

    We want to boost the news section here on ST and are offering an award of $100 just in time for Christmas! Details: Post a news article at the "Weather in the News" forum located here: http://stormtrack.org/community/forums/weather-in-the-news.6/ The thread owner with the most thread views as...
  3. KendraReed

    Extreme Tornado Outbreaks Have Become More Common

    Thoughts? "Now, a new study shows that the average number of tornadoes in these outbreaks has risen since 1954, and that the chance of extreme outbreaks —tornado factories like the one in 2011—has also increased." http://iri.columbia.edu/news/tornado-outbreaks/
  4. Taylor Wright

    Storm chasers gain respect on leading edge of tornado research

    A great article from The Wichita Eagle regarding the advancement of research through chasers. This was talked about quite a bit during ChaserCon and is very relevant heading into the season. I know I will be focusing much more on documentation this year to hopefully be involved in some of these...