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  1. Nickolis Murphy

    Skywarn question.

    Hello all. I am a somewhat new skywarn spotter for the Des Moines, IA area, and have been for around 3-4 years and have done some chasing. Would like to get some information on some recommended equipment. I currently use my ipad with radarscope pro 2 subscription and this is what i also use for...
  2. Steve Miller

    McGregor, IA tornado damage may be worse than first thought

    The mayor of the northeast Iowa town of McGregor, struck by a tornado Wednesday night, says damage to the city’s downtown is likely even worse than what many people initially thought. Harold Brooks says it’s still unclear how many buildings on Main Street were destroyed. “They’re finding out...
  3. Peter B. Creedon

    2010-06-18: IA, MO, IL

    This was the first day I worked at my job as a liquor store clerk. Cells fired across Iowa and into Illinois. After dark they congealed into an MCS and slunk south to the STL area. I remember a customer coming in remarking about the "light show" off to the north. After my shift (1:30 AM Saturday...
  4. Ethan Schisler

    2016-03-23 REPORTS: IA/MO/OK/AR/TX

    Decided to take the chance and chase yesterday near the surface low in Northwest Missouri/Southwest Iowa. Original concerns over marginal moisture ended up verifying and setting this back from what could have been. Bulk shear in excess of 65 knots and CAPE values ~1000 J/KG set the stage for...