ham radio

  1. Mark Jack

    Mobile Antenna Mounting

    Has anyone had any experience mounting antennas on a Chevy Avalanche? I've recently upgraded to a Yaesu FT8900R with a Diamond CR8900A quad band antenna. Unlike my old SUV I am limited on mounting locations that will produce a sufficient ground plane. I am trying to avoid mounting on the roof so...
  2. B. Dean Berry

    FS - TYT TH-9800 mobile ham radio

    I have a TYT TH-9800 quad-band mobile ham radio for sale. Does 10-meter FM, 6-meters, 2-meters, and 70cm, with an ultra-wide-band receive. Details and photos in the ebay sale. If interested, DM me. https://www.ebay.com/itm/254022737041?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649