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hail shield

  1. Jordan Doane

    Opinions on new chase vehicle and accessories.!?

    Hey y'all. Since the volkswagen buy back went on we've been unable to find a diesel jetta wagon and after hearing about electrical issues with them as well id like to hear some new opinions on this car. We've been looking at a 2004/2005 Subaru Forester xs (non turbo charged version.) Personally...
  2. Malcolm Shuttleworth

    Help me design a Hail Shield?

    Hey guys! I'm looking for a little help designing a Hail Shield for my car. I own a 2006 Ford Escape and am looking to build a hail shield for the front windshield. So far I'm stuck in between going for a rail design or a hinge mechanism to slide or rotate the shield into place. I want it to be...