Tutorial: How to have GRLevel 2/GRLevel 3 radar, etc on your Droid

  • Thread starter Jeremy Den Hartog
  • Start date

Jeremy Den Hartog

Hey guys,
Figured I would try to contribute something back to this great storm chasing community/forum (as I have already learned a lot here so its my thanks to everyone). As the title suggests, I will show you how you can have GRLevel 2/GRLevel 3 radar (with pretty much all of the features available - including velocities, warnings, etc) and also any other PC compatible program available for use on your Droid from anywhere you have cellphone access - and best of all its VERY easy to do and will only cost you $9.99.

PS, some of you may already know this but I thought it was pretty cool and useful :). Also, I have just recently set this up myself so I'm not 100% sure how well it works with a lower or poor quality cellphone signal strength. So far though everything works flawlessly for me.

- A Droid phone (click here for a list of Droids that this should work on. It may work on other Droids as well but they may have not tested on them yet)
- A Windows PC (desktop or laptop) that is on and running (you must be fully logged into Windows).
- A radar program for your PC (typcially GRLevel 2 or GRLevel 3 but really whatever you prefer)
- Internet access for your desktop or laptop (so your radar software will work/update, etc)
- PhoneMyPC for your Droid (described more in depth below)

Step 1:
Go to the 'Market' on your Droid to download new apps for your phone. Click on the magnifying glass in the top right corner and search for 'PhoneMyPC'. Purchase, download and install this app (this will be the only thing you need to purchase for this to work). Basically what this app does is it allows you to access your PC and any software on your PC through your Droid phone.

Step 2:
Once you have 'PhoneMyPC' downloaded and installed on your phone the next thing to do is download and install the 'PhoneMyPC' software on your PC. Click here to download the software. The installation process is pretty straight forward for the software - basically it is installed like any other software but make sure you don't have your firewall block access for the software or it won't work properly.

Step 3:
Next you need to configure the software on your PC. Again, this is pretty simple and straight forward. Open up your PhoneMyPC software on your PC. Once open you will see 'Credentials' with a place to enter a user name and password and also a place to enter a computer name. Basically what you want to do is choose and enter a user name and password that you will remember and then enter a name to identify which computer you are accessing (in case you have this running for more then one PC...for example, typically I use 'laptop' as the name for my laptop and 'desktop' for my desktop - pretty creative eh?). Then click 'OK' and you should be good to go. Please note that you have to make sure the PhoneMyPC software is running and configured (it will be located in your 'system tray' anytime it is running) on your PC anytime you plan to do this or it won't work.

Step 4:
On your Droid, run the 'PhoneMyPC' app. Enter the user name and password that you chose to use in step 3. No other options need to be changed. Hit the 'back' button on your phone once you have entered your user name and password. You should now see the 'name' you chose for the computer(s) that you setup in step 3. Click on the name. Now you should see several different options that you can click on. Typically what you want to chose is 'Interactive Live' which will allow you to use the 'ball thingy' (whatever its called :)) at the bottom of your phone like a mouse which will allow you to scroll around and click on things (just like you would a mouse).

Final Step:
Now all you have to do is open up and use whatever program you chose to use on your PC but through your Droid. It may take some time to get used to things but really its pretty straight forward. Now you should have access to anything and everything on your PC including much better radar then what you will currently find available on your Droid. This may not be the greatest solution in the world but it will work until something better comes out on the Droid.

*Tip* - I strongly suggest that you lower your quality settings through the PhoneMyPC app on your Droid. To do this you have to be accessing a computer through your phone. Hit 'Menu' on the phone itself and then click on 'Quality'. The default is medium but I suggest you change it to low (something you may need to change every time you do this as it seems it reverts back to 'medium' on its own). This really doesn't degrade the quality that much and for me anyway it made the animated loops on my radar software (GRLevel 3) run much smoother.

Anyhow, thats about it - like I said pretty simple but I hope you guys find it useful...
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Nice! unfortunately I dont have a droid, but sometimes what I do when I dont have my laptop with me is go to my website on my phone, and get the radar from there. I have both GR3, and GR2AE radar uploaded to my site, so I can check in on it there. Once I get a droid though, this looks like the way to go.
Cool, I may have to try this. There has been several times I would be wishing I could access GRlevel3 on my droid
Does anybody know if this works with the Droid X?

It looks like something cool to try out. I think I will give it a try later tonight.

Thanks for the tip!
Does anybody know if this works with the Droid X?

It looks like something cool to try out. I think I will give it a try later tonight.

Thanks for the tip!

It'll most likely work on any android phone running 1.6 or higher which is practically all of them (except the motorola cliq and some other older devices).

Edit: From the website:

We have tested lightly on more devices, but we regularly run PhoneMyPC on the following:

T-Mobile G1 (by HTC)
Google Developer Phone 1 (by HTC)
HTC Hero
HTC MyTouch
Samsung Moment
Motorola Cliq
Motorola Droid
Google Nexus One (by HTC)

Any new phone, like the Droid X will be just fine.
I took a chance at being the lab rat. I just got my Droid X and decided to check this out. It works! It's not the fanciest tool, and i'd only use it as a backup to the laptop while chasing. However, one could definitely find it useful to check out a general view of the velocity and other features the current apps don't provide.

One additional note of advice: The animations on the phone are better when you adjust the quality like Jeremy recommended, AND play around with the animation settings on GR2/3. I'm still experimenting, but the loops seem to work best when you 1.) set the animation speed as slow as possible 2.) decrease the frames to <=5 and 3.) increase the hold as much as possible.

This is ghetto GR at its finest. :D
Question: This isn't GR related in particular, but is there anyway to edit text on the computer using this app? So far i've only been able to move the cursor.
Question: This isn't GR related in particular, but is there anyway to edit text on the computer using this app? So far i've only been able to move the cursor.

To use the keyboard all you need to do is push the 'menu' button on your phone while you are 'logged in' to a computer through your phone and then choose 'A-Z Keyboard'. This should allow you type text as well...
Hey guys if im not mistaken the Iphone already had something similiar to this with the app logmein it allows you to control your computer from home and i ran gr3 and it worked great and it was not ghetto.
Hey guys if im not mistaken the Iphone already had something similiar to this with the app logmein it allows you to control your computer from home and i ran gr3 and it worked great and it was not ghetto.

The Droid also has the 'logmein' app too but its more expensive and apparently more laggy (according to the reviews anyway)...maybe it works better on the iPhone though...phonemypc works great for me though.

By 'ghetto' I'm assuming Jason was referring to the way grlevel3 was being accessed and not the effectiveness of the process (I think anyway)
Just a couple more tips:

- To simulate 'clicking and dragging' a mouse (which of course is how you navigate around on GRLevel 2 or 3) you have to push and hold the trackball on your phone and then 'slide' the screen (moving it just slightly is fine). You will notice the cursor center itself on the screen on your phone (even when you just slightly 'slide it'). This means you have entered 'click and drag' mode. Now you can use the trackball on your phone to drag the screen around. To exit 'click and drag' mode just click the trackball again (like a button). This is something you will probably have to do several times to navigate your way to your storm (at least in GRLevel 2 or 3). Its a bit clunky to click and drag but if you do it when zoomed out its much easier...'center' the storm you are trying to target (in GRLevel 3 - not on your phone necessarily) then just zoom in on whatever storm you are trying to target and you should be good to go.

- I've personally found on my phone (the HTC Evo) that if I change my computers bit rate from 32 to 16 it helps smooth out animations (just to clarify I'm talking about not in GRLevel 3 but instead the same place you go to change you screen resolution on your computer - typically right clicking on your desktop and going to graphics options or something similar will bring you where you need to be). By doing this I was able to use the 'medium' or even 'high' quality setting on my phone and still have pretty smooth animation as long as I set the animation speed in GRLevel 3 to one of the slowest settings and the 'hold last' to the longest setting. However, using one of the lower quality settings on your phone seems to give you the most consistent results. I've also changed the 'number of volumes' in the GRLevel 3 animation settings to 10 (instead of 20) but I'm not sure if this actually makes a difference or not.

- Make sure you run whatever program you are using in full screen on your computer. Trying to reduce the window size to try to reflect the screen size on your phone doesn't work and actually made things run worse when I did it.

**Edit** - cleaning out text messages on your phone and freeing up space (by uninstalling unused apps, etc) seemed to make a HUGE difference for me...still testing but was running pretty good so far on the highest quality setting. Will report back but my battery just died on me...bummer
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Search the app store for ATK (Advanced Task Killer) to eliminate any running apps and free up processor/memory space while you're running this.

I am a founding member of SoftwareForMe Inc, makers of PhoneMyPC. I found this thread via Google Notifiers, and couldn't resist trying to be helpful.

When using PhoneMyPC, it is easy to drag your mouse as follows:
* Enter "Full Cursor Mode" by pressing your phone's Search button (magnifying glass)
* Move the cursor by dragging your finger around the screen (not necessarily near the cursor)
* Once the cursor is positioned for drag, tap the cursor on the screen with your finger. It will turn red, indicating that the PC's mouse button is being held down
* Move the cursor again by dragging your finger
* When done dragging, tap the cursor again--it will turn white indicating the mouse button is lifted

Also, if performance is an issue, you can configure for "direct connect." The Phone and PC will always try to connect directly to each other. Failing that, they will use a hosted route through our servers.

To enable direct connections:
1) Add an exception to windows Firewall allowing PhoneMyPC to use TCP port 49300
2) "Port Forward" that port through your router to your PC ( www.PortForward.com has good instructions for most routers )

This great!!! I think you have found your nack so to speak! At least other than pictures! ;) J/K hope you know that! :)

Really though, Kuddo's to you for introducing this I am more than impressed. Thank so much!
This great!!! I think you have found your nack so to speak! At least other than pictures! ;) J/K hope you know that! :)

Really though, Kuddo's to you for introducing this I am more than impressed. Thank so much!

Thanks Lanny, I appreciate that (and yep I know you are kidding :))
SplashtopHD Works real good for accessing your computer. I can access level 2 analyst data in 1X cellular coverage.