2023-09-23 EVENT: OK, KS, MO


May 5, 2019
Owasso, OK
Since the SPC has posted an enhanced risk for parts of OK, KS, and MO, I hope folks will post their assessment of the severe weather potential here. I haven't been able to focus a lot of attention on it until today, since the busy season for preparing legislation for OK state government is well underway and those activities have "gotten in the way".

Two-Day Outlook:

Sorry, life has been busy, and just now catching up. Models showed an arc of semi discrete supercells with some tornado potential. I dropped south to Yates Center to see if we would have anything worth going after. It didn't even rain. Everything formed well to the east. I wasn't the only one that guesed wrong as Timmer also targeted SE KS and was greeted with a big nothing burger. I talked to Trey from the Convective Chronicles youtube channel to see if he was going to do a post event review as it seemed like the models struggled with this setup.
Sorry, life has been busy, and just now catching up. Models showed an arc of semi discrete supercells with some tornado potential. I dropped south to Yates Center to see if we would have anything worth going after. It didn't even rain. Everything formed well to the east. I wasn't the only one that guesed wrong as Timmer also targeted SE KS and was greeted with a big nothing burger. I talked to Trey from the Convective Chronicles youtube channel to see if he was going to do a post event review as it seemed like the models struggled with this setup.
Thanks, Matt. I interpreted the "silence" from the group as a sign not much was expected. I really did expect, based on the CAMs, to see cells go up between I-35 and I-75. That area has some favorable terrain for chasing, but a lot of it is not, the farther east you go. I skipped the earlier activity SW of Tulsa (initiated near Bristol I think) in anticipation of better weather as predicted by the models.

By 5:30 PM CDT I was sitting in my backyard looking at AC Castellanus going up overhead, but everything just felt wrong. A couple of cells formed to my West within the next hour, but quickly bloomed to an amorphous cluster of cells that promised nothing but frustration. Except for some nice* lightning, it was a good day to sit home and "watch the castellanus".

[Oh--thanks for the mention of Convective Chronicles--I will check it out.]

* nice is such a relative term.