Great American Total Solar Eclipse of 2017


Mar 12, 2014
Omaha, NE
I didn't see a thread for this started anywhere, so here we go. Anyone else excited for this?! I definitely am and cannot wait until this coming August 21st. It's nice too that the path of totality comes within about 50 miles of Omaha so I don't have far to go.

Anyone planning on viewing this/traveling to the path of totality? Has anyone experienced a total eclipse like this?
I want to document as much of this as possible of course. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get the best pictures or video?

I have a Nikon D5000 and a Panasonic 4k video camera. I do have a piece of thick welder's glass that I used to snap some pictures of a partial eclipse we had here a few years ago. I just basically held the piece of glass in front of my lens. I have a 75-300m zoom lens, an 18-55mm lens and then a 11-16 mm lens. I would think the wide angle wouldn't be the lens to use, and have thought about zooming in as much as possible as well. However, I've thought it would be nice to get a picture with something in the foreground as well(church, etc.). Of course there isn't a lot of time to capture totality(here in Nebraska it's a bit over 2 minutes), so I really don't want to be fumbling around with equipment versus just enjoying what is going on.

My biggest concern is damaging the camera/camcorder if I take pictures/video during the partial phase. Do I need to worry about damaging the sensors in the camera. Are there any filters that I could attach versus trying to tape or otherwise attach a piece of heavy welders glass to my equipment. I don't plan on taking any long exposure shots with my camera, but if I let my video camera record for a while before, during, and after will that damage anything?

Thanks in advance for any tips/suggestions and looking forward to seeing how many people are going to travel to experience this!