Force Of The Wind Model

B Ozanne

May 3, 2004
A fellow intern at the Mount Washington Observatory developed a great program that lets you determine the force of the wind based on the wind speed, pressure, and temperature. For example you can compare a 100mph wind in a hurricane to a 100mph wind on Mount Everest.

The units are a little funky (pounds per square meter) for the output.

If anyone wants to download the file (its an excel spreadsheet) pm with your email or just email me and I'll send it out. The only request is that I don't want to hear any whining about the units or why humidity wasn't considered.

If anybody wants to host the file that would be fine with me. I don't have the bandwidth on my site.
Do these models include what is in the air being driven by these winds? I would assume that a lot of rain being driven horizontally into a wall at 150 mph exerts much more force than fog/small ice crystals on Mt Everest.
Originally posted by Anonymous
Do these models include what is in the air being driven by these winds? I would assume that a lot of rain being driven horizontally into a wall at 150 mph exerts much more force than fog/small ice crystals on Mt Everest.

Nobody ever looked at that aspect. I'm sure it could be included, but she wanted to make it relatively simple.